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How To Deal With Twin Flame Separation
Why It Happens & How To Heal
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Twin flame relationships can be the most intense relationship you can experience with someone in your life.
Many believe two souls become one soul if they can find each other in this lifetime, but it’s important to note that even if they find each other, not every twin flame relationship is destined to last.
For centuries, television and film have perpetuated this ideal esoteric twin flames fantasy that only one true love exists and encourages audiences never to stop searching for the one.
We unconsciously reinforce a false narrative called Oneitis, an unhealthy romantic obsession with a single person.
This type of needy energy is typically an unrealistic idealization, which creates resistance for the runner.
It creates this anxious and avoidant chase.
That is because the runner can feel the needy, ungrounded energy of the chaser and thus block off the very thing you are trying to attract.
Whether referring to twin flames or trauma bonding, there is a massive opportunity once you become aware of these concepts and start doing the inner work to heal.
That’s why in this post, we will discuss how to deal with the twin flame separation:
- What is a twin flame relationship?
- The signs of a twin flame separation.
- The symptoms of a twin flame separation.
- Discuss if the twin flame separation stage is permanent.
- Discuss the possibility of a twin-flame reunion.
Plus, provide you with relevant self-improvement practices you can do for your own spiritual growth so that you can become the best version of yourself!
What is a Twin Flame Relationship?
Twin flames are the same soul (universal consciousness) that split into twin souls, one being the divine masculine energy and the other being the divine feminine energy.
Scientifically speaking this can be defined as polarity.
Think of the twin soul as yin and yang, the ‘ideal’ perfect match.
Therefore, our twin souls may have reincarnated at the same time because we have certain “contracts” (with the universe) made at pivotal moments in a lifetime with our other half.
This could be because we are meant to pull our energy together to do something powerful for the greater good, like help raise the level of consciousness on the planet.
In its simplest meaning, twin flames share the same blueprint or “mirror souls,” and when you are looking at your twin flame or when your twin flame manifests you are in fact looking at yourself.
The twin flame relationship is one of the most potent mirrors of yourself.
For this reason, twin flame relationships are not something you can find or for that matter, not a person you can search for like on a dating app.

all blog image(s) courtesy: @hannaschonberg
What Are The Signs of Twin Flame Separation?
Twin Flame Separation Signs:
To give you a better understanding of the twin flame journey and the healing process we turn to Aaron Doughty, who’s an expert when it comes to explaining the intense connection between twin flame relationships and the spiritual path we embark on while rediscovering self-love.
Doughty explains, “Many times we misinterpret the twin flame journey and the chemistry we have with a twin flame because they are the people that trigger us the most, bringing up deep unconscious feelings of our past traumas.”
“Furthermore, twin flames typically have similar trauma bonds (mirror souls) creating what we think is a deep connection or that feeling as if we’ve ‘known’ this person forever.
Many believe this to be one of the biggest signs of twin flame love,” says Doughty.
Many twin flame separations happen because one partner who is typically referred to as “the runner” lacks emotional and spiritual maturity and is often afraid of love, and deep connection and is oftentimes closed off.
While the other partner called “the chaser” tends to be slightly more spiritually advanced but still seeks attention, validation, and love in the relationship.
More often than not when twin flames meet chances are the timing is off, but that is exactly how it is intended.
This is the blessing in disguise that propels one of the twin flames into doing the inner work of healing and this typically is the chaser.
At this point in the separation period of the relationship you’ll hear a lot of stories about twin flame chasers trying to keep communication open and reach out to their twin during the separation stage but constantly reaching out to them when they’re not ready is only going to drive them further away.
Trauma Bonds:
A bad sign that the separation stage is becoming more acceptable is that egos are clashing against unresolved childhood wounds, old insecurities start to rise to the surface, traumatic experiences of the past propel the twin flames into flight or fight mode and tensions continue to flare.
At this point in the twin flame separation, both are experiencing some sort of negative energy towards one another for different reasons.
One might be going out more often, cutting back on communications, and arguments are becoming more intense and frequent even over the smallest of things.
Avoidance to Feel Pain:
Other signs of a twin flame separation include a lack of self-love which is a mirror soul image of each other’s trauma bonds.
The separation phase can challenge your self-confidence, which may trigger a sense of bitterness and hopelessness.
Whether it’s abandonment, codependency, or something else these energy dynamics is the same repetitive patterns that we are playing out when we attract people into our lives or enter into a relationship.
Twin Flame Separation Symptoms:
Many twin flames experience separation blues after their break up, but typically one twin “the chaser” has the hardest time dealing with the physical separation while the other twin flame “the runner” feels the need for separation to avoid or feel the pain that they may have caused.
Dreaming of Your Twin Flame:
As the physical distance becomes more permanent and you patiently become less needy and dependent on the hope of your twin flame returning, you will begin to feel their energy. During a longer dream you may have had a deep conversation or intense interaction with them, this is the telepathic connection bond between twin souls.
Some people believe that if they see the same repetitive number sequences such as 1111 or 444 this angel number is a good sign that the twin flame separation phase is about to end. This could be true or it could also mean you’re starting to connect more with your spirit guides and raising your level of consciousness.
Numerical synchronicities have many different meanings that can help guide you to your higher self, but it’s how you interpret its meanings and what you do with the information that can allow you to grow spiritually, financially, and even physically.
Twin Flame Permanent Separation:
Even if you’re not in a permanent separation from your twin soul, taking separate paths is necessary for the twin flame healing process.
The twin flame journey isn’t meant to be a comfortable experience.
Your twin flame came into your life to challenge you, to expose your deepest and darkest wounds, expose your ego, and ultimately the twin flame separation phase was intentionally meant to take both of you on a different soul journey.
Not everyone is meant to reunite after the twin flame separation stage because this is the karmic lesson some twin flames have gone through in a past life or even lifetimes.
If your twin flame continues to go down the wrong path of avoiding their traumas it will make it that much harder to reconcile the relationship.
So, if one has taken the time to do the inner work during the separation phase to get back on the right path towards healing their trauma bonds, it may lead to a permanent twin flame separation.
Editor’s Note:
But remember you’re a mirror soul of each other. Hence, chances are you will reunite at some point in life once one or both twins have taken accountability and are not controlled or limited by their life circumstances based on their past trauma bonds.
A twin flame relationship can make you feel like you are chasing someone who isn’t choosing you, you are more guarded (fight or flight) and your heart is closed off making you less likely to be vulnerable.
Why do Twin Flames Go into Separation?
More often than not twin flames separate because as beautiful and powerful as the twin flame union is, they both trigger each other’s subconscious trauma bonds. This is important to understand because when we say two souls become one if they can find each other in this lifetime, it is reaffirming a belief of incompleteness.
Therefore, twin flame connection and trauma bonding are one and the same and both are beneficial to understand for personal growth.
Rediscovering Your Self-Worth:
Doughty believes that we are all trying to heal and find unconditional love on some level of consciousness and that trauma bonding is no different.
He explains, “Your twin flame could be a spiritual idea, where we have a closer connection to our soul in this life, with the emphasis on an intense amount of growth and purpose.”
He continues to say, “On the other hand, I believe that maybe one of the ways a twin flame connection occurs in our life is that we have similar childhood trauma bonds that glue us together so that we can learn.”
If the twin flame relationship is subconsciously based on trauma bonding then, the separation phase is an opportunity for you to take accountability for the relationship you have with yourself.
Raising your level of consciousness is discovering where the separation exists within you.
Removing the rose-colored lens of a manipulated and falsified reality that intentionally kept you in a low vibrational state of consciousness so that you feel weak, fearful, and dependent takes a tremendous amount of willpower and strength.
Again, more often than not it is the “chaser” in the twin flame separation that ends up rising through their pain to take not only accountability but heal their trauma bonds.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the twin flame separation triggers the chaser to rediscover their own sovereignty and self-worth which adds to the collective consciousness rising on the planet and its connection to universal collective healing.
Moving Forward:
Chasing any type of relationship causes pain because it takes you out of your own frame and it has you focused on gaining someone’s validation, approval, and worthiness leaving you focused on someone other than yourself to give you something (external attachments).
A key component of healing is vulnerability. Begin to make the choice to tap into your own vulnerability, this is the cure to heal trauma bonds such as fear, shame, and guilt that are unconsciously stored as memory in your body.
Focus on mindful rituals that bring the attention back into your body such as practicing yoga and clearing your chakras to open up your heart space. As you bring the focus and attention back to you, you will begin to make more conscious decisions based on your physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness.
Thus, making you less dependent on external situations and circumstances and harder to manipulate because you are grounded in your internal relationship with yourself and your sovereignty.
New Beginnings:
The silver lining lesson of going through the emotional and spiritual rollercoaster of a twin flame separation is becoming a new version of yourself. Raising your level of consciousness as well as universal consciousness.
At this stage of your journey, you are less likely to focus on reuniting with your twin flame because you have shed your egoic attachment to the outcome of a situation that you previously couldn’t control.
The key to really attracting love or even reuniting with your twin flame, in general, is to be yourself. But what does being yourself even mean?
Be the real you, the unapologetic you, the you that values vulnerability and authenticity over others’ validations.
In Conclusion …
In order to experience a twin flame reunion you will have to cut ties with your twin flame at some point to allow a period of reflection and healing to occur.
You will need your space even if it’s a terrifying feeling.
Learning to “let go” and “trust the process” is a new-age way of saying you need to release needy, controlling energy to make room for a healthier version of yourself.
Chasing your twin flame is putting all your metaphoric eggs into one basket and completely limiting you from attracting love.
Instead, focus on yourself to be loved, worthy, and vulnerable.
Many twin flame relationships go through the separation phase, if not a permanent twin flame separation because both people are being triggered to address and heal their subconscious trauma bonds.
If only one does the inner work, then the energy dynamics will be out of balance, and quite frankly, both will be too incompatible to move forward together.
Therefore, healing and focusing on yourself is the key to dealing with a twin flame separation.
The twin flame relationship has less to do with your other half and is more about exposing you to a mirror soul version of yourself so that your wounds get triggered so deeply that you make a conscious decision to take the long, hard, and satisfying path towards self-love and raising consciousness.
Aaron Doughty is the founder and CEO of Aaron Doughty, Down to Earth Spirituality. He has over a million YouTube subscribers and a Podcast called Expand Your Awareness. In addition, Aaron has an array of guided meditations and online courses that will help you manifest your dream reality step by step.
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This post is all about twin flame separation.